Sunday, November 24, 2013

How Google translation created a laugh riot?

There was an article in Tamil posted by my Facebook friend Vikanasa Ram. ( It was about the benefits of Beetroot. Since it contained very useful information, I thought I would share it by getting it translated by Google.

I reproduce here some of the sentences both in Tamil and its translation. I am not responsible if you complain of pain in the rib due to laugh riot.

Tamil                                                                                       English
மலச்சிக்கலைப் போக்கும்                                 Go to constipation
அரிப்பு - எரிச்சலைத் தவிர்க்கும்.                    Reducing erosion - to                                                                                avoid annoyance
கிட்னியில் சேர்ந்துள்ள தேவையற்றவைகளைப் போக்கிவிடும்  Kidney joined rid of the noise

Maybe you can have fun by asking Google to translate a humorous story of your favourite author (I would suggest Sujatha whose subtle humour is always enjoyable) into English.   

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